Hydraulic systems contain multiple parts and vary in complexity, but for longevity and reliability, they all need protection from oil-borne contamination.
If abrasive particles enter a hydraulic system, they may damage expensive components like pumps and motors. These contaminating particles may even prevent hydraulic components from operating properly by causing them to respond slowly or stick open.
Sun filter cartridges trap and remove these particles to help prevent premature component wear and system failure. Sun filter cartridges are cavity mounted for low installed profile, added system security and to prevent tampering. The elements have a high collapse pressure and are intended to be used directly in line and at system pressure up to 5000 psi.
Sun recommends using these filters in the following market applications:
servo circuits, precision machinery, variable-displacement pump and motor systems, hydrostatic drives, and machinery in dirty or dusty environments.
Feel free to contact us for more information