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Closed-loop control made easy

Published 2020-09-03

The full capabilities of the Sun Hydraulics XMD mobile drivers are at your fingertips with the new CANpoint XMD Configuration Software, available as a free download from our website.  Now this small, powerful driver can be configured quickly and easily over CAN bus using a computer, our CANpoint software and an XMD CAN-to-USB hardware interface cable.  The launch of this new software allows XMD-02 users to implement open-loop, closed-loop (PID) and hydraulic fan drive control using pre-programmed modes for our dual-output driver.
CANpoint is a free software configuration program for the XMD mobile drivers that simplifies advanced hydraulic control using a clear, simple software interface that allows for point-and-click output shaping with excellent resolution and predictable results.  And it requires no programming to take you from connecting to configuring to completing your application setup.